ISRO has shared close-up photos of the Moon taken by India’s indigenously built Lunar lander Vikram. In the latest release image, the lander circled the Moon doing the descending maneuver. The mission is on its final journey, slowly descending to the Moon using the inbuild instruments. While orbiting the Moon, the lander is taking pictures to show its actual position. It moves towards the Moon’s south pole, a little closer every minute.
Vikram Lander is close to the Moon’s surface with the set trajectory. The mission is on track, and everything is going well til now. On Thursday, while doing its set maneuvers, the lander captured stunning photos of the Moon displaying the craters of the Moon in the close high-resolution pictures taken by the lander. Also, in the picture, we can see the Earth in the background.
The blue ball on the right is our mother Earth. The photo shows how beautiful our planet looks from space. Vikram Lander consists of various applications. The rover is one of the core application parts of the mission, which is planned to land on the Moon’s surface.
It is the first time the space exploring agency will attempt to land the rover near the south pole. The final trajectory of the landing will begin on 23rd August.
On Thursday, The lander detached from its propulsion module. Now it is heading toward the Moon for the final descent, which will be attempted on 23rd August. It will be when everyone will have an eye on the moon mission.
ISRO attempted the moon landing before, but due to some software glitch, the lander did not survive in the final descent causing the lander to hit the moon’s surface at speed. Lander lost the connection from the headquarters as soon as it crash-landed.
Chandrayan 3 will have a similar maneuver on 23rd August and attempt the soft landing. Once the lander is close to the Moon, the automated software system will take charge of the final descent.
Lander has the equipment to track the trajectory and speed and take the maneuver required to soft-land on the Moon. The final stage of the landing would be challenging because, during this time, the ground team at the ISRO will lose its connection with the lander.
The inbuilt program will be responsible for the final descent and ensuring the lander touches the ground softly per the plan. If everything goes as per the plan, India will set a new milestone in its record book.
The Indian space research organization will become the first space agency that soft-landed the lander on the Moon’s far side. Also, the success of the mission will open new opportunities for the ISRO.
Space industries are growing, and new opportunities are opening for the new edge of space research agencies. ISRO has a proven track record in successfully launching satellites for various countries and private organizations.
Chandrayan 3 is a highly covered topic by the global media. The success of the ISRO will create a buzz in the space industry and give an elite position to the ISRO.
India is promoting indigenous manufacturing. ISRO will help to achieve our mission to create the manufacturing hub in the country with its technology demonstration. Every milestone will take us close to our mission to make India a top manufacturing hub in the world.
The release image clearly shows the Moon has several craters made by the asteroid impact. Black and white photos have close-ups of rocks on the Moon’s surface.
You can see the propulsion module in one of the photographs. Before the Chandrayaan, Russia also sent its moon lander named Luna-25, which plans to have a soft landing next week.
After a long time, Russia launched its moon mission. In 1976, Russia was actively participating in space exploration. The new Russian lander is planned to land on the 21st or 22nd of August, depending on the status of the lunar lander. Both the lander Luna-25 and Chandrayaan-3 is in its final stage of landing. While circling the Moon, they are slowly closing to the Moon’s surface using gravity.
India’s moon mission has a specific objective after it achieves the soft landing on the Moon. It will hunt for the water ice on the moon’s surface. Water is the critical ingredient for the survival of the human on the other terrestrial body. The presence of water on the Moon’s surface will allow us to explore its surface more and plan the future of man’s mission.