A few days back Indian IT giant announced one of its ambitious projects to promote AI technology through interactive learning. Wipro has launched a new Center of Excellence on Generative Artificial Intelligent with the partnership of the reputed Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi.
During the event, Chief Technology Officer at Wipro Limited Subha Tatavarti added in the speech that We are excited to partner with the IIT Delhi to facilitate the new era of technology and innovation in the country with new initiatives.
Wipro CoE on Generative AI is anchored within the Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence (ScAI) at IIT Delhi. The organization supports foundational research and encourages the talent to participate in AI technology product development with interactive learning and knowledge sharing. It will help boost the youth’s interest and drive them towards developing self-sustaining AI technology.
Further, Subha Tatavarti said the collaboration between Wipro and IIT Delhi will facilitate the increase in the research and development capability of the organization in the emerging market. The generative AI will create an ecosystem where students can leverage the benefits of knowledge, and connect with the talent pool.
Gathering the correct information and talent in one place will be easier and support in acquiring the great mind to advance solutions to address existing problems. The new emerging problem needs a futuristic solution that is sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective for the world. Wipro CTO is optimistic about the initiative that they have taken to promote awareness of AI technology and fuel the students with the right tools to keep them moving in the right direction.
The announcement of the cooperative development of AI technology came after its recent news, where Wipro stated that it would invest $1 billion in AI innovation.
The company also added that they are looking to develop an R&D hub in the country. The research firm will work on innovative AI technology to further boost the company’s growth. Wipro researchers will merge with the ScAI faculty members and recently graduate students to scale their ambitious projects faster and solve real-world problems with the new edge of technology.
The Wipro CoE team will work together to find better and more efficient solutions using AI and machine learning technologies.
Dr. Ajay Chander, the Head of Research and Development at Wipro Limited, shared his views on collaboration with the Eminent Institute. He said it would help the organization to build an ecosystem where students will learn AI during their early study and create a strong foundation in the industry. The company can leverage its talent by hiring critical skills for building a product that will change the world. The company has a vision of Engineered prosperity faster.
Professor Mausam, Head of the Yardi School of AI at IIT Delhi said, the company is delighted to join the hand with the esteemed organization Wipro. The collaboration will open a new opportunity for the students learning AI technology and create a growth path for future development.
New learning and job opportunities in emerging sectors ensure talents are leveraged in modern industries. Students will have a chance to gain valuable insights and problem-solving skills, which are essential for modern industries to stay relevant. Technical know-how will help the student to know it better and develop a passion for AI technology.
The partnership with Wipro will create a win-win condition for everyone participating in this cause. Besides, it is a beautiful opportunity for India to advance the education system and create employment in the growing sectors. Critical new technology will have better outcomes and faster problem-solving ability.
What makes AI better for problem-solving?
AI is an emerging technology that has proven faster and more reliable for solving everyday problems. AI can be used in all tech products to enhance their productivity. A simple device powered by AI technology will produce much higher outcomes than traditional devices. Your smartphones are powered by AI, which is still early. With your phone, you can do many things.
As AI technology evolves, we will be in a network of humans interconnected to offer the product and services. Introducing AI technology to students in school education will give a head start to the long journey of building an innovative solution. It promises better careers for the students and gives them a tool to create out of their knowledge that will bring humans together with creative solutions.